Saturday, April 25, 2015

Proud of Daddy

Ben ran a half marathon last weekend!

Kel, Jen, Kate, and I were his cheering section

We had a fun weekend with Kel and Jen.  Love having them here and Kate was in heaven with all the attention.  

They also helped us out and babysat while we went and bought a new car..
(you know... just your normal Saturday afternoon activity!)

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, but long story short, Ben's car was totaled 2 weeks ago so we were on the hunt for another car.  (great timing, right?) 
There is a big tax credit in Georgia for getting an electric car, so we bit the bullet and leased a Nissan Leaf for 2 years.  It will cost us next to nothing with the tax credit, so it was kind of a no brainer. 

We feel like total Athens townies with our electric car.
So far so good, we love it!

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