Friday, June 26, 2015

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Dad's Day to my 2 most favorite guys on this planet.

To my own dard- I hope you have the most wonderful day soaking up the sun in Florida.  No one deserves it more than you.  Thank you for showing me the power of being kind to people, smiling, and the importance of a good handwritten note.  I couldn't have asked for a better daddy than you.  I am so blessed.  You always led by example living a faith centered life and showing us how to do the same.  Now my babies and your grandbabes are so lucky to have you as their MRG.  You are just the best granddaddy already, thank goodness for the "magic shoulder", we are so lucky!  Love you oh so much sweet dard.  Hope you feel so special today!

To my sweet Bennie- where do I even begin?  I didn't think I could love you more than the day that I married you... boy was I wrong.  Nothing brings more joy to my heart than watching you with our sweet babies.  Kate literally lights up when she looks at you and nobody can crack her up quite like her da da.  You already have the touch with Bruce and I'm sure he will be a daddy's boy in no time.  You are the sweetest man.  From "kidnapping" Bruce in the middle of the night so that I can get some sleep, to taking Kate to work with you, to our fun family days at the pool and at home-- every day with you just gets better and watching you with our kiddos in the greatest blessing ever.  Love you!

Love these guys with all my heart.

Happy Father's Day everyone!  Hope it was a great one!

Summer Fun

Maternity leave during the summer is awesome.  I am having so much fun being home with my kiddos and we have had a blast playing outside and hanging with lots of friends and visitors..

Since the last couple weeks have been crazy, here is the last few weeks summed up in lots of photos!

Fun pool day with Rosie and the Gentry crew

Erin and Raley came for a visit- so much fun having them here for a few days!

I mean, can you even stand how cute these 2 gals are together?


Bruce was loving some Raley snuggles too!  Can't wait to add one more little lady to this crew!

A giggle filled visit with aunt katie which included lots of "30 second dance parties", walks, and fun playing outside.

There was also a newfound love for cheese dip discovered...

Miss Kate is loving our neighborhood pool and its even better when dad is there!

We've also been enjoying lots of popsicles and treats outside

Sweet summertime... couldn't be better.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Life on Hold

This week took an unexpected turn for the worse....

I have 3 or 4 posts to write/catch up on... So much summer fun and craziness has been happening and then Sunday morning things took a turn...

Bruce has had a cough for a couple of weeks and the pediatrician initially said it was probably just a little crud he got from Kate and to just keep an eye on him. Sunday we got home from a fun weekend of visiting w family and Bruce became inconsolable. It was insane. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, just crying and screaming all day long and all night long. He got a fever and started having mega drainage from his ear. Ah, ear infection we thought.... We will get him some antibiotics at the doctor in the morning and he will finally feel better. This was somewhat of a relief to me, as we all know we have dealt with our fair share of ear infections! 

We went to the doctor and she tells me that yes he has a raging double ear infection, but also the cough and fever concerned her.  She started throwing a rounds words like meningitis, sepsis, pertussis and this mama was scared to death. We were sent to the hospital to get labs and chest X-rays and determine treatment based on those results. Long story short, after several hours waiting at the hospital, the Labs looked bad and we were admitted for 48 hours and he had to have a spinal tap Monday night.  We were a little scared and I had a small meltdown aka I lost it.  Ben said I kind of looked like Kate throwing a tantrum...

I pulled it together and this little guy was pretty darn tough getting poked and prodded all night long

It definitely wore him right out..

So here we are, still in the hospital. 

So far, everything's is coming back negative and his blood work is looking better today. We are so thankful for that. He is getting pumped full of fluids, 3 different antibiotics, ear drops, and breathing treatments. It is breaking my heart to see him going through this, but it seems to be working, thank goodness! He is our little superhero

Keep thinking and praying for us.  We will be home Thursday morning as long as everything keeps improving!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Weekend Shenanigans

We are definitely adjusting to being a family of 4 and there is lots of fun and silliness going on around here...

Also, lots of kisses and snuggles..

Pruitt Wedding

Memorial Weekend we had the honor to be a part of the beautiful Pruitt wedding.

Rosie and Michael tied the knot at Ashford Manor in Watkinsville, and it was beautiful.

Kate was the most perfect flower girl

She RAN down that aisle with a big grin on her face and I was honored to be one of the readers during the ceremony 

Shortly after the ceremony, Kel came and snagged Kate for us so Ben and I could have the night (kid free)to dance, have fun, and drink a few cocktails.  

We had a blast with lots of my favorite people..

 Donna's idea of a candy bag...

Such a fun night

Cheers to you, Rosie and Michael!
Love yall!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Bruce is 1 Month Old

Stop it.

Can't believe this guy has been here for a whole month.

It's been an adventure, but we wouldn't change it for anything.

Love this little guy so much.

Happy 1 Month Birthday Mr BDub!