Tuesday, April 14, 2015

18 Months

Kate is 18 months

1 and a half years old? 

How did this happen?

I know I posted about our little birthday "celebration" yesterday, but wanted to write a quick post about my sweet, funny, dramatic, silly 18 month old.  I don't want to forget a second about this age and this perfect little girl that we just couldn't imagine life without.

Kate is pretty much hilarious these days.  She learns new words and phrases all the time.  "OH MY GOSH" being one of them.  She has some seriously funny facial expressions and loves to mimic whatever we do.  She is crazy about her daddy and loves running around chasing him and "hiding".  She loves to read, swing, be outside, do puzzles, stack her blocks, and watch this weird video on youtube that has tons of little kid songs sang by cartoons with british accents. ha

She is starting to be a bit of a diva... Can throw a mean temper tantrum when she doesn't get her way (not cute) but will immediately come give you a hug and a kiss when she gets over it.  She loves the word "no" and "huh uh" while she shakes her head no, the girl knows what she wants and will let you know if you're not giving it to her.

We went to her 18 month appointment this week and she is perfect.  Hitting all her milestones and doing everything an 18 month old little gal should be doing.  She weighs 24 lbs (25th percentile), and she is 31 inches (70th percentile) She must be smart- 90th percentile for head circumference ;) She did not like those shots this time around... poor thing!

There is nothing better than her smile, hugs, and kisses.  The girl will melt your heart in a second.

18 months old is pretty awesome and she is so much fun these days. 

Sweet Kate we love you so much and thank God for you every day.

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