Friday, September 16, 2016

B First Haircut


First haircut..

Thought we nailed it.... 

Sweet Summer Time

July 2016

Ever have those moments where you just sit back for a minute and get overwhelmed by how truly blessed you are?  This summer has been so full of those moments for me.  My heart is so full and I am so grateful for this family of mine and although this season of life is so crazy and so dang tiring, I really wish it wouldn't pass by so fast.  These babies keep growing so quickly and I feel like I am going to blink and they'll be teenagers... So sometimes it just does my heart good to sit back, let them play outside in their undies or with their cute little heineys hanging out, and just soak it all in.

This summer has been so good.  It's all about these little moments, am I right?

Sandy Creek Nature Center


There is so much fun stuff to do in Athens and we don't always take advantage of it all.
This weekend we decided to go on a little adventure out to the nature center to see the fish, turtles, and walk through the woods.

The kiddos loved it.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Saint George 2016

Saint George... our most favorite place for Nyquist vacation!
We had a fabulous week of fun in the sun with the whole Nyquist crew.  Times have changed quite a bit with 6 kids under one roof.  Let's just say, the beach is not quite as relaxing as it once was!  Nevertheless we had a great time and thanks to our amazing sitters that came with us, we got to have some fun/relaxation sans kiddos.
We hit the beach every morning.. The weather was perfect and my kids are total beach babes.  Makes my heart happy to see them loving my favorite place in the world.


Bruce had his daily beach cat nap... he was a little tired due to his boycotting sleeping at night!
(mom and dad were a little tired too!)
After beach time, we would head up to our pool for some shenanigans at the house

We got some fishing in...

We got some drinking in...
Maybe a few ice cream runs...
I swear we had a blast...
Everyone loved having their new cousin "pull up" to love on..
I mean, look at this baby...
Time with our cousins is always the best.  Love watching these kids grow up together and love each other so much.
Especially these 2.... Kate is mildly obsessed with her cousin Ben.  He is pretty smitten with her too.  It is pretty much the sweetest thing ever.

Happy babies at the beach... is there anything better?

It was the a great week.  It was crazy and somewhat exhausting (thanks bruce) but we loved every minute of being with our whole crazy fam and spending every minute with these babes that I can't get enough of.

Love this sweet family of mine... Can we go back??

 Until next time, St George!