Saturday, October 25, 2014

Overwhelmed and Behind...

I am totally behind...

I haven't posted about my sister's (very eventful) bachelorette party to Nashville

The rest of Kate's birthday weekend where we got to go to the Georgia game with all of my favorite people 

Our adorable trip to the pumpkin patch with the Chanceys/Adcocks

Hand Foot Mouth (again)

The Nyquist brothers going to see the Bears beat the Falcons

Our weekend with Kel and Jen

Nope.. I haven't posted about any of it.  I want to, I plan to, but we have a very sick babe at the house and instead I am trying to balance being a full time working mama, taking care of my girl, getting home and spending time with my family and making dinner and doing the bedtime routine.... Sometimes it feels like we can't sit down and take a breath, much less write a blog post about it.

I never want this blog to be a place where I whine or complain... but I also want it to be a place where I can express myself and really be honest about what is going on in our lives.  The intention of the blog is to keep our close family and friends updated on what is going on in our world, and sometimes that isn't always the picture perfect life we sometimes show.  This week has been HARD.  Kate has reactive airway disease topped off with a mega sinus infection.  Basically she can't breathe from the RAD and she is congested and stuffed up from the sinus infection.  It's awful.  She is on a nebulizer every 4-6 hours, an inhaler twice a day, antibiotics, and steroids.  It's been a week and she still isn't really better (maybe worse).  We aren't sleeping, she isn't happy, its just been pitiful and miserable.

I'm having a mega case of mommy guilt.  I love my job (most of the time) but it isn't flexible and it is a lot of hours and I don't get a whole lot of time off.  Weeks like this are extra hard for me.  I want to do it all.  I want to be home with my girl more than anything, I want a better schedule, a more understanding boss, more time off.  I am blessed and lucky for a lot of things with my job and the career I've chosen, but man, weeks like this make me want to change everything.  The one thing that makes it easier is that I have the best husband.  I couldn't be more grateful for him.  Ben is the best dad.  He took the whole week off of work and stayed home with her.  This week being home with Kate was harder than any work week you could think of.  Trying to get a busy 1 year old to sit still while doing 20 minutes of breathing treatments every 4 hours is no easy task.  She didn't want to be put down or left alone for any amount of time.  Ben took care of that baby with a smile on his face.  I'll say it again, he is the best.  Also, my sweet mother in law came and stayed with Kate Friday. We so often complain about not having family closer and not really having a bail out person that is right up the road, but we are so lucky to have family an hour away.  Wink has helped us so much the past couple weeks and we are so so thankful for her.

I know I am kind of rambling on... I guess this post is a good reminder to me that we have a lot to be thankful for and we have so much more than so many others.  Sometimes I need to take a step back and have a little perspective.  It's easy to compare ourselves to others and feel inferior or wish for something different.  But really we are so blessed and I know it.  I wouldn't ask for anything else in this sweet life that God has given us.  We are blessed beyond measure and I am so thankful for that.  I really am.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

It's Official.... We Have a Walker!

She has been taking steps here and there for the past few weeks, but it seems like this week it is really coming together.  It is not steady.. but man it is adorable!

And here is what it looks like the other half of the time..
(the outtake)

Kate's Birthday Party

Last Sunday we had a pink filled birthday celebration for our sweet Kate.  We are so blessed with so many sweet family and friends that came to celebrate with us.  It was such a fun weekend.

It was a girly girl party for our little princess

She was pretty happy to have all her people there to celebrate her big day, and it couldn't have been a more beautiful day outside!

I love this girl to pieces

Best attempt at a family picture

Then it is always hilarious to slap yo daddy

There is nothing this girl loves more than flying down that hill in her car

So grateful for all of our amazing family and friends.  It was the perfect celebration!

It may have been a girl party, but of course the Bears game was on!

And we had to have cake!

She loved it!

Love this little chick to the moon and back.  Loved celebrating her birthday with all of our favorite people!