Friday, April 1, 2016

Bruce's Baptism

My sweet Brucie was baptized 3/13/16.

We got to celebrate him the whole weekend with DiDi and MRG (they were there, I swear, we just were HORRIBLE at taking any pictures)

Obviously Mexican on Saturday night with this sweet face.

Praise the Lord, I'm getting baptized tomorrow!

We headed to church Sunday morning and our angel boy was baptized.

He took it very seriously.. This was literally his face the whole time.

Kate was very curious and made sure to yell "they put water on babies head" at several inappropriate times.  oh, life with a 2 year old.

Sweet buddy, so perfect.

We attempted some cousin pictures and this is what happens when you have 5 kids that just sat through church for an hour... 

The Nyquist crew

Didi and MRG rushed home to get brunch ready for everyone so we missed out on a photo op with them.. but we were all so grateful for dot's delicious egg casserole!

And these are my favorite people. 
We are so, so blessed.

Date Night with My Girl

Got to have a little girl's night out with my Kate a couple weeks ago.

Our favorite babysitter, Analisa was performing in The Lion King and invited us to come see it.

Kate loved it.

Between every scene she yelled "It's dark, where'd the lights go?"  "More Lisa?" "More songs?"

Up way past her bedtime, but taking in every second.

We left a few minutes early.  Kate was tired and looked at me and said "night night" "I go home now"
Who can argue with that?

Anyway, I text Analisa to tell her how great she was and that I was sorry we left early.  I also told her about Kate asking for more between every scene..

Her response- Oh I know, everyone could hear her backstage and loved it.  She was the star of the show!

Oh my Kate... girl knows how to steal the spotlight!

Epic Birthday Surprise Weekend


Oh my goodness, I have the sneakiest (and best!) husband ever.

Ben threw me an epic surprise party for my 30th birthday.

It all started in the middle of the night Thursday with Katie and Brendan waking me up and surprising me for a birthday visit.  I was supposed to be on call and Ben broke the news that he had gotten me out of it for my weekend with my sissy and her hubs.  I was pumped and I didn't even know there was more coming!

Friday night we headed downtown with some babes in a bar... 

Then naturally, Fuller House premiere
(it's so bad yall...)

We spent the day Saturday playing outside and being silly at the park with the kiddos.

Then we headed to Cali N Titos for margs and "dip dip" and...


All my favorite people were there.

I couldn't even believe it.

Sweet Bennie planned a gigantic birthday shindig for me complete with a babysitter that met us at dinner and took the kids home.  It was complete perfection.
(sorry for the lack of pics- grateful to everyone that was there!  I was overwhelmed..)

We headed downtown after dinner for some drinks and more shenanigans.  It was full of laughter and fun and all my favorite people.

The rest of the weekend was enjoyed with some baby snuggles and QT with our sweet aunt meg.

And the birthday week continued with lots of cake...

More mexican celebrations with these 2 cuties (and their parents..)

Birthday lunch dates complete with winning scratchers! Woo!

So grateful for my people and how special they make me feel for my birthday and every other day.  I am truly the luckiest.

30 ain't bad at all!