Tuesday, June 24, 2014

The Tubes Are In!

Kate got her ear tubes put in yesterday.
She was probably the cutest patient you have ever seen in your life and she was so good and so brave.

She woke up from anesthesia pretty well and was only a little cranky until she got her bottle.  She couldn't eat after midnight the night before, so the gal was hungry!

She really barely cried or fussed at all.  She was pretty sleepy and kind of pitiful in the morning.  Needless to say, there was lots of snuggling in the Nyquist house yesterday.

She was pretty much back to her normal, smiley, playful self by the afternoon.

She almost always feels up to playing with her "beauty parlor". 
We seriously do not need any other toy in this house...

We are so thankful that everything went well and that this surgery is over!  Hopefully ear infections are a thing of the past and this girl can have a fun and HEALTHY rest of the summer!

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