Wednesday, June 11, 2014

First Flight, DC, and a Baby Shower

Last weekend Kate and I flew up to DC to celebrate JM and Erica and Baby Boy Guthrie! (we dont know his name yet..)

After an eventful check in/security process at 5:30am, Kate and I made our flight with 1 minute to spare.  PHEW. 
She was perfect on the flight, this was my view the whole trip..

She didn't wake up until we landed.  This girl is awesome.

After a little more excitement (my bag didn't make it) we headed to Georgetown for Erica's beautiful baby shower.  All these ladies that love her and that baby boy on the way.  It was perfect.

Yay! He will be here soon!

Then we got to head out shopping in Georgetown for WEDDING DRESSES for my gorgeous sister.  Sorry- can't post any of the pics of her in these gowns... but she looked seriously perfect in all of them. I'm telling you, she is going to be the most beautiful bride you have ever seen.

After shopping, Gus and Marty had us over for a DELICIOUS dinner and lots of Guthries gathering.  Love these peeps.  

Sunday we had breakfast at the hotel with everyone...

Then Kate and I got to spend the whole day in DC with JM and Erica. 
Some of the views on the way to their new house... 
Seriously? How cool is this?

Kate and I were back on a plane Sunday night at 9pm... 

Florida here we come!

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