Thursday, October 9, 2014

Kate is 1!

Is this even possible?  My little nugget girl is 1 year old.

It kind of makes me cry a little bit every time I think about it and talk about it.  This has been the craziest, most joyful, stressful, crazy, hectic, AMAZING year of our whole life.  I know I've said it a million times, but how did we live without this happy little gal? 

She is our whole world, our little ray of sunshine, and the best thing we have ever done.

How can you not immediately fall in love with that sweet little face?

Kate is so much fun.  She is always smiling, laughing, and talking.  She absolutely loves to ride in her car, go flying down the hill in her car, and pushing her car around.  It is kind of an obsession right now.  She is starting to walk (I know, I am so behind on this blog that I haven't even filled yall in on that!)  She is only doing a few steps at a time, then she gets so excited and proud of herself that she falls down.  It's adorable.  She loves to clap, and dance, and play "SO BIG". 

We went to the pediatrician on Tuesday and she is 28 and 7/8" tall (32%) and  19.12 lbs (40%).  She has 6 teeth and the smallest feet ever.  We are having a hard time finding "walking" shoes for her since she still fits in crib shoes.  She is perfect and adorable.

Love this girl to pieces.  It has been a fabulous and crazy year that I wouldn't change for anything in the whole entire world.  

She may be 1 year old, but she will always be my sweet baby Kate.
Love you baby girl.

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