Sunday, September 14, 2014


Last weekend we had the most amazing trip to Chicago.  It was our first time away from Kate, and I'm not going to lie, we had a blast.  Don't get me wrong, we were ready to see that sweet girl on monday night, but it was nice to have a weekend to ourselves to sleep in, wander around, watch our favorite teams, and just be care free.

My awesome sister got us "executive status" at our hotel which didn't hurt either!  Ben and I were pretty excited about that...

It was the perfect Chicago weekend.  75 degrees, sunny, blue skies, no humidity.  It was the kind of weekend that made us daydream about moving up there and what life would be like "in the city".  (Don't worry mom, I don't think I'd last 5 minutes in the winter there!)
Nevertheless, it's fun to dream and a weekend like this makes you really think about it!

We started off the weekend wandering around the city and being tourists... Meg and Dick were stuck on the slowest train in the history of the world, so we had some time to walk around and be tourists for a few hours before heading over to Wrigleyville for the Cubs game

We had a blast cheering on the Cubs, almost getting hit in the head with fly balls, drinking beers, eating hot dogs, and enjoying the awesome atmosphere of baseball in Wrigley.  

 We somehow couldn't manage to get a decent picture in the stadium...  This is the best we got :/

Sunday we got up early and headed straight to the most amazing tailgate that you have ever been to.  This tailgate is right on the water, in the shade, a 5 minute walk from the stadium, and has the best food/drinks you could imagine.  Talk about getting spoiled...

My sweet cousin Sarah and her friend joined us for the game as well.  So fun seeing her!

We headed to Soldier field to watch the Bears take on the Bills.  Again, so much fun cheering on our team and (my favorite) singing BEAR DOWN CHICAGO BEARS.. It went into overtime and unfortunately didn't go our way... Sad.

We made up for bad luck at the game with a scrumptious dinner at Roys.  We always get treated like royalty going there with Meg and Dick and it is awesome.  Definitely one of the best meals I have had in a LONG time.  (failed to snap any pictures of it! dern..)

Monday we had some more time to walk around, do some shopping, and enjoy one last beautiful Chicago day before flying back home to reality.

It was a perfect weekend away and we are so grateful to the fabulous Ressners for spending the weekend with us.  Can't wait to go back next year!

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