Saturday, March 1, 2014

Raley Joyce

We finally got to meet Raley Joyce.  She is perfection.  

Erin is my oldest friend in this world.  Our parents were best friends in college and we have been bes
t friends since diapers.  We have laughed until we cried together, really cried together, grown up together, played sports together, gone to proms together, been in each other's weddings, and now we have baby girls together... There is nothing more special than walking into your oldest friend's house and introducing your daughters to one another.  These girls are destined to be the best of friends and I can only hope and pray that they mean to one another what Erin has meant to me.  

Last weekend Ben, DiDi, Kate, and I trekked to Chattanooga to spend the day with the Ingrahams and Lisa.  It was a fabulous day full of baby snuggles and then a fun walk outside at the RiverWalk.  Worth every second of the 6 hours total in the car to spend the day with them!  Can't wait to go back..  

 Loving on my sweet niece.  

 Kate got some attention too...

 The grandmothers... Can you tell they are pretty happy??

Sweet girls, meeting for the first time...

 And then Kate tried to eat her... Raley was not a fan.  :)

 It couldn't have been a more beautiful day so we got to take the babes out and go for a stroll.  We loved it!

 2 generations of best friends... 

Love you sweet friends!! So excited we are parents together!

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