Tuesday, December 9, 2014


We had a fabulous Thanksgiving.

We had the pleasure of hosting the whole Nyquist crew at our house in Athens this year.  I was on call for the weekend, so I wasn't able to leave town, so everyone made the trip to our house and we had a big ol sleepover on pallets and air mattresses.  It was perfect.  I hate that we can hardly fit all of our people, but man, I love having all of them under our roof.  

The Donges crew and Kel and Jen came up Wednesday night and then the grown ups (minus prego plus the stomach bug me..) went and ran in a Turkey Day race in the morning.  It was frigid outside, but they all rocked it.  

Me and Tee Tah held down the fort with all the littles.

After the race, everyone got decked out in their Bears gear and we got to cooking, drinking, and watching football. 

Ben fried a turkey..

I roasted one...

We had a blind taste test by all of the family members and guess who's turkey won?  Drumroll.... little ol me!  My first turkey!  I was so very proud.

It was a group effort for dinner and it was DELICIOUS

Sweet Charlie made us all turkey drawings which he handed out proudly when we sat down for dinner.  Kate loved her some turkey day food, especially mashed potatoes and stuffing.

It was a fantastic day.  We have so much to be grateful for and it was the perfect day to be reminded of that.  

Love this crazy family of mine.

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