Sunday, August 3, 2014

What a Weekend....

I thought my weekend blog post was going to be all about going to Alpharetta and picking up my sweet nephews to come play with their aunt and uncle for a few days at "Camp Kikakee".  Hopefully we will get a redo soon because our weekend was nowhere near as fun as it was supposed to be...

Kate got super sick this week.  Daycare called Tuesday around 5 and said we needed to come get her because she had a 103 fever.  I immediately left work and got her, not too concerned.  Unfortunately, we've become sort of experts at having a sick little gal.

Well this was not our normal ear infection.  

At first they thought Bronchiolitis.  We have had that before.  We started breathing treatments and an antibiotic. 

2 days later she was not better... mostly worse and not drinking/having wet diapers. Also, now Ben had gotten sick as well and was pretty much stuck in bed. (Thank goodness for Tee Tah on Friday for helping take care of the 2 sicks babes-- thank you again wink!)  We went back to the pediatrician and  she had to get chest xrays.

Little miss has PNEUMONIA.


She had to get an antibiotic shot, start prednisone and a stronger oral antibiotic.  The doctor said that she would give us another night and if she didn't start getting more hydrated and perking up they were going to have to admit her to the hospital for fluids and IV antibiotics.  

This mama was getting scared/overwhelmed/nervous.

I took her back to the doctor Saturday morning and she was looking/sounding a little better and she was starting to get a little more energy.  She was still nervous about the dehydration but didn't feel inclined to admit her right away.  She had to get 2 more antibiotic shots and they sent us home.

The rest of the weekend was spent nursing my 2 loves back to health.  Both are doing a little better.  (I don't think Kate has come off of my hip for more than 5 minutes all weekend.)  She is drinking more today and I think we have turned the corner.  I think the prednisone is making her a little crazy and she has been WILD at night.  Needless to say, I am exhausted.

Praying for a good night's sleep for everyone at our house tonight.

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