Wednesday, July 9, 2014

9 Months

The 4th of July was also Kate's 9 month birthday.  I seriously can't believe this girl is 9 months old.  Time is flying by and we are just loving every second of her.

Kate is talking and yelling all the time.  She can go from sitting to crawl position and back.  She is trying to crawl (sometimes) but can't quite figure it out yet.  She loves to smile and give everyone the "side look".  She can play patty cake and give you a high five.  She loves to swim and jump. She is still loving food and is getting very good at picking things up and feeding herself.  She has 2 teeth!

We love this girl more than words can even express. She brings us more fun and laughter than you could imagine.  We are wrapped around that perfect baby finger.

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