Tuesday, May 6, 2014

7 Months and Hand Foot Mouth?

We woke up Saturday night to Kate laying in her crib and just moaning.  No cries... just a constant little moan.  We went to check on her and the girl was burning up.  104 degree fever.  After a slight panic and middle of the night phone call to the nurse on call, we gave her more Tylenol and put her back to bed.  She still had a fever in the morning and then we noticed this...

Poor baby.  Her mouth was covered in these little blisters.  I called our pediatrician again and what do you know?  Hand Foot Mouth Disease.  Seriously? What in the world.  
 This poor little princess, if there is a sickness she can catch, she is catching it! Well apparently this is contagious... like you can't go to daycare for a week contagious.. And its a virus, so you just have to wait.. and give tylenol.... and wait... and snuggle.  A lot of snuggling.

So that is how we celebrated Kate's 7 month bday...

Needless to say.. We haven't had our 7 month photo shoot.  Hopefully it is coming very soon.

For now, DiDi to the rescue to keep Kate for the week and continue her medicine of lots of snuggles.  

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