Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Weekend

We had the best weekend.  We left at Kate's bedtime on Thursday night and drove up to Charlotte where we got to have a few fun filled hours with Joanna and Will (didn't take any pictures! dern..)  Then we left first thing Friday am and finished the drive up to Charlottesville.  Kate was an angel in the car.  Drank her bottle in her seat and slept the whole time.. Not one peep.

Friday night we went to the UVA baseball game... This girl has MRG wrapped around her finger, especially in her Virginia gear!

She was also loving Miss Beth, but the real apple of her eye was Carlton. (No pictures, but trust me..)

A lot of the weekend was spent lounging and enjoying being together.. I love all these peeps.

Easter Sunday we went to church and then spent the day at home with lots of family and yummy food. 

Look at this girl... beautiful in her handmade dress from DiDi


Kate's first Easter basket... She loved it!

 And one more of these sweet heiney pics... This girl is too much.

It was a fabulous weekend that went way too fast as always.  Being in Charlottesville with all my people is truly my happy place.  If only we could still be in Athens but be closer to all of them... 

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