Sunday, May 18, 2014

7 Month Pictures

Finally getting around to posting Kate's sweet 7 month pictures. Sorry for the overload... 
but how in the world could you choose just 1?

Right now Kate is weighing in at 16 lbs 14 oz.  She is still just the happiest baby you have ever seen.  She is constantly smiling and giggling.  She is super ticklish on her thighs and tummy.  She loves to "talk", go on walks, and "superman" during tummy time.  She is moving more and more in her crib and sometimes wakes up facing the opposite way of how we put her down.  She is easy going and flexible.  She absolutely loves her daddy and lights up whenever she sees him.  
We love every minute with this gal and are so grateful for her.  
Happy 7 Months Sweet Kate!

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