Friday, April 4, 2014

Busting out...

This girl has loved to be swaddled since day 1.  Wrap her up tight like a little baby burrito and she would sleep immediately and for hours... 

Yall get the point... but I couldn't resist posting pictures of her when she was such a tiny little nugget.  

Actually the swaddle was the cause of one of my biggest panic attacks when I went back to work because they are not allowed to swaddle babies at daycare without a note from the pediatrician.  So you better believe this mama got the note from the doctor before her first week of daycare.  But that only lasted until she was 4 months old...  
So we dealt with a cranky "no nap ninja" baby for several weeks and just swaddled her at night.  But a few weeks ago we decided it was time... We busted her out of that swaddle.  It was a rough couple of nights, but she finally got used to it.  Look at this sweet baby...

Then after looking at her daycare "report cards" we realized she was taking some LONG naps over there.  Ben asked what their secret was, she hasn't been sleeping that well at home.  Turns out... She LOVES sleeping on her belly... 

So there ya have it... we have a belly sleeper. 

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