Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Brucie 11 Months


Poor Brucie boy rang in his 11 month with a cold/sinus infection.  

You can tell in his photoshoot that he isn't quite his normal crazy, smiley self.

But still the cutest nonetheless!

This boy is all over the place these days.  Crawling and pulling up on EVERYTHING.
We are starting to really see the difference between boys and girls... He likes to push the limits!

Talking and chatting and making all kinds of crazy noises.  He is loud and has a lot to say- just like his sister!  Our house will never be quiet again...

He has definitely fallen into a one nap a day routine and it is wonderful.  He is napping like a champ 2-3 hours and then sleeping 12-14 hours a night.  He has definitely hit the sleeping groove!

He has 4 teeth on top and 3 on the bottom.  Seems like as soon as one cuts through, another one starts coming in.  Poor guy, can't catch a break!

He is our little "puppy dog".  Loves being outside and will crawl so fast to that door as soon as you open it.  He loves that fresh air and is definitely his happiest self when we are playing outdoors.

Eats just about everything these days and likes it all!  Wants to eat whatever the rest of the family is having... forget that baby food!  Loves drinking out of a sippy cup and has even started sitting at the kids table with Kate sometimes!

Loves his sissy the very most.  She cracks him up and he is definitely her shadow.  He wants to keep up with her so bad, and we are definitely in trouble when that day comes.  These 2 are going to be 

but dern they love eachother...

Happy 11 Months to my sweet little Bub. 
Where did my baby go!?

"Sir Pull Up"

March 25

And then, he was here!!

Philip Ashton Nyquist born March 25 and just a little ball of perfection.

His mama had a rough day, but look at this guy- so worth it.

We rushed to Atlanta Friday afternoon to see our newest and most precious nephew.
Oh, we love him.

As soon as Kate saw him she called him "Pull Up"
She didn't stop talking about Pull Up all night and how is is "so cute" and we can "kiss his feet".
Somebody is smitten!

We spent the night at the Donges hotel after visiting our sweet Philip.
We even got to wake up and have a pool party- in March!
Nothing makes Kate happier than being with these 3 cousins.

Sunday morning to woke up to presents from the Easter bunny!
(and a sick daddy... :(

After nap, we ventured over to Monroe to have an easter egg hunt at GiGi and Papa Adcock's house.
Kate had a ball.  
She is pretty much obsessed with easter eggs right now and shaking them and saying "what's in there"  So basically a yard with hundreds of eggs is equivalent to heaven. :)

Saint Hattie's Day and Baby BBQ


Our sweet girly girl niece is 5 years old.  I can't even believe it.  Sweet Hattie, weren't you just born like yesterday?

We headed to Alpharetta for a fun filled weekend with the whole family and 2 big parties.

First we celebrated at the annual Saint Hattie's Day party where we drank some green cocktails, the kids bounced in the jump house, got balloon animals from the creepy purple haired leprechaun girl and the boys worked their booties off frying everything under the sun.

Theses Nyquist babes loved every minute!

Especially the food!!


Happy Birthday to my Sweet Hattie May!

Sunday we celebrated Kel and Jen's bun in the oven with a cute little couples "BaByQ" shower for the soon-to-be parents.

Love these sisters of mine.

Phillip surrounded by all his sweet cousins

And come on... look at these 2.
I can't even.

Probably my new most favorite picture of my sweet family.

Our hearts are so full and we are so excited to meet our little miracle baby Philip Ashton.
He is one blessed little babe already.