Saturday, January 17, 2015

Sorry- boring couple of weeks...

Haven't posted much since the new year.. Sorry about that.

We got sick again last week... flu-like virus plus strep throat does not make for a very fun week.  

Lots of snuggles and sleeping is what has been going on around here.  Hopefully this crud gets better soon!

Cute little Heineys

A little late, but loved having these 2 little rascals together the other weekend...

I don't think it gets any cuter.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year!!

2014 was amazing and I think 2015 is lining up to maybe be even better!

We celebrated New Years Eve with the Chanceys in Monroe.  It was a low key night, but always fun when the 4 of us are together.  Jan made us black eyed peas and collards on New Years day, so hopefully we are lucky AND rich this year!

2014 feels like a big blur.  Our first whole year of being parents, working full time, traveling, weddings.. We have been busy.  I think it has been the fastest year ever.  I kind of need time to slow down.

There is not much I would change about this life we are living, but I do have some resolutions/goals for 2015.  I figured it might help keep me accountable to write them down here and next year I can check back in and see how I did.
  •  Be more organized- at work, at home, in all areas of my life.  (Ben will laugh when he reads this, but I am really going to try!)
  • Be more crafty/motivated with my DIY projects and actually FINISH what I start (another Ben will laugh at)
  • Get better at printing/doing something with the millions of pictures that I take
  • Be more thoughtful- sending cards/notes to people "just because", remembering birthdays/anniversaries before the day of so I can get something in the mail to people, etc
  • Walk Wrigley more often- this will be good for me and for her! Poor dog is so neglected these days...
  • Be more faithful about going to church
  • Budget and SAVE

I think that's a good start for 2015! 
Happy New Year Everyone!

Kate Lately

It seems like forever since I've done a "Kate Update".  After the month to month pictures during the first year, it is easy to forget to document all the milestones and new things she is doing.  

She changes and learns new things daily.  It's amazing watching her figure things out and learn new "tricks"  I feel like she has really turned into a toddler in the past month or 2.  Where did my baby girl go?

We are still battling with keeping her healthy.  We do nebulizer treatments, inhaler, and singulair every day to try to keep those lungs healthy this winter.  She has been sick a lot, but man, she is just the happiest and most content gal.

She has lots of words and seems like she is learning more daily- "up please", "more more", "happy" (my favorite), "hi", "bye", "dog" (sort of), "nose", "eye", "mama", "dada", "daddy", "hot", "nana", (for banana), "no".  There may be a few more, but those are her favorite :)

She loves to dance, watch baby einstein, eat snacks out of her snack cup (her new security blanket, ha!), push things around the house, anything with music, feed herself with a spoon (very messy, but pretty cute), and she still loves her binky more than anything in the world.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Christmas in C'ville

We headed up to Charlottesville Tuesday night after work and arrived shortly before midnight.  Kate did great in the car (slept most of the way) and Ben and I entertained ourselves listening to the Serial podcast.  Have yall listened to it?  So good...

Christmas Eve we chilled out most of the day in our PJ's playing with the babies.  I'm embarrassed to say that we did watch The Interview.  It's as bad as you thought it would be and definitely not the movie to get you in the Christmas spirit! ha!  After that we had our annual Christmas eve dinner of Beef Tenderloin, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls... YUM.  Doesn't get better than that.  The McCreary crew joined us which was so much fun.  We literally didn't take 1 picture on Christmas Eve... 

I was one happy girl to be hanging with these 2 cuties... Gave me a little practice.  Kate was not very happy to see me holding another baby.  Uh-oh!

Christmas morning came and we got up and ate lots of gunk roll and egg casserole (our other tradition)  After stuffing our faces and relaxing for a bit, Jack and Kate were both ready for naps, so presents didn't really happen until afternoon.  Probably the most exciting present of the day was dad getting a BIKE.. I have a feeling Christmas morning will be MUCH different next year!

Our last day at home was BEAUTIFUL.  65 degrees in Virginia the day after Christmas?  I'll take it! We got the most special treat of having a play date with my 2 life long friends and their 2 little nuggets.  How lucky are we that our babies get to grow up together too?  There was way too much cuteness in 1 room... Their moms and their grandmas are my most favorite people as well... This was my happy place.

 We also got to see Meg, Dick, Claire, Javi, and Uncle Pete for lunch and an afternoon at home.  We hung out at the house and played outside some. Ben and I were in our usual routine of trying to scare people with our mask during their naps.  I think it was the week of failed attempts.  Maybe next time?

We had a little party at the Woods on Saturday night for Katie and Brendan.  One last chance to see all of my favorite people.  Such a fun week.

This trip went way too fast. Kate loves being at DiDi and MRG's house... Who wouldn't?

Sunday we left literally at the crack of dawn (5am...)  My Ben is such a trooper and drove the whole way without complaining once.  Love our daddy.  I sat in the back with this diva gal who only slept about 45 minutes of this whole 8 hour adventure.  She was happy though!

Home by 1 and a family nap was definitely in order.  Happy to be back in Athens, but sad to say goodbye to everyone and this amazing and magical holiday season.